Our Christmas jumper day raised £174 for Macmillan!

Before Christmas fades into a distant memory we wanted announce the success of our Christmas jumper day. Like many workplaces, every year we all get together in our “best” Christmas jumpers and donate money to a chosen charity. Last December was our most festive one yet and we even had a prize for the best dressed.

Everyone got into the festive spirit and in between dispatching airport transfer london, courier services london and our drivers we had a lot of laughs!

The prize had to go to Luchia who took home a bottle of champagne for her outfit consisting of festive jumper, snowman deely-boppers (aka, the things that go on your head and wobble about), flashing fairy light necklace and earrings. Congratulations to Luchia – and all our courier and car service london teams for showing absolute care when it came to their Christmas outfits!


Right now, there are 3 million people living with cancer in the UK and this will rise to 4 million by 2030. More people are being diagnosed with cancer but more people are also surviving cancer which means that support needs to evolve fast. Macmillan is a charity close to all our hearts. Macmillan have written to us to thank us for our efforts and let us know that the money we’ve raised could pay for a Macmillan nurse for six days to provide medical, practical and emotional support to people living with cancer and their loved-ones.

If your team is fundraising this year, we’d love to help you spread the word so let us know! Simply tag one of our social media accounts and tell us what you’re doing:

Find us on Facebook: /GLHLondon

Link with us on LinkedIn: /glh-greater-london-hire

Follow us on Instagram: @glhlondon

Next time you book a cab london, make sure it’s with the car and courier service that shows absolute care.